Transit Visa (TS) is for those who are in transit and with this visa visitors will be permitted to stay for 30 days.
Tourist Visa (TR) is for visitors who visitors who visit this country for tourism purpose and they will be permitted to stay for 60 days.
Non-Immigrant Visa (Non-Immigrant) is for foreigners who wish to work either for official business or private business, study, do some research or stay with family and they will be permitted to stay for 90 days.
Official Visa will be issued to any foreigner who has been assigned to perform their official duty in the Kingdom and for holder of Office Passport of other country or United Nation’ Passport or equivalent;
Foreigners who enter the country with Official Visa will be permitted to stay for 90 days.
Diplomatic Visa will be issued to foreigners who perform their duty as foreign diplomatic official or carry out official business by holding Diplomatic Passport. Foreigners who enter The Kingdom with this category of visa will be permitted to stay for 90 days.
Immigrant Visa is for those who wish to have permanent residence in Thailand.
Non-Quota Immigrant Visa will be issued to any foreigner who applied for residence permit under special case or a Non-Quota Immigrant status.
Courtesy Visa On Arrival Visa is for foreigners from specified countries who visit the Kingdom for tourism purpose only and those who were granted with this category of visa will be actually, visitors who wish to come to the Kingdom of Thailand must apply for entry visa at the Royal Thai Embassy or Consulate in abroad before their entries, but there are also some nationalities which somehow being exempted from the said rules.

The visa expiry date is shown on the visa. Depending on the alien’s nationality, visas can be issued for any number of entries, from as little as one entry to as many as multiple (unlimited) entries, for the same purpose of travel. This generally means the visa is visa is valid, or can be used form the date it is issued until date it expires, for travel for the same purpose, when the visa is issued for multiple entry.
This time period from visa issuance date to visa expiry date as shown on the visa, is called visa validity. If you travel frequently as a tourist for example, with a multiple entry visa, you do not have to apply for a new visa each time you want to travel to Thailand.
The visa validity is the length of time you are permitted to travel to a port-of entry in Thailand to request permission of the immigration officer to permit your to enter Thailand. The visa does not guarantee entry to Thailand.
The Expiry Date for the visa should not be confused with the authorized length of your stay in Thailand, given to you by the immigration officer at port-of entry. The visa expiry date has nothing to do with the authorized length of your stay in Thailand for any given visit. Each time you arrive at the port-of-entry, an immigration ocer decides whether to allow you to enter and how long you can stay.
Only the immigration officer has the authority to permit you to enter Thailand.
Misunderstanding of permission of stay.
The date of validity indicates that the visa must be utilized by entering Thailand within the period. Then the holders will receive an initial stay of 90 days from the date of arrival.
Students should checkvisa expiry date stamped upon the arrival, not the one stamped by the Embassy or Consulate.

All services are meant for full time students with proper
Non-Immigrant (category Ed) Visas subject to conditions as outlined below. Petitions and other forms are available from Visa Section at either campus. Au I.D-Card and receipt must be shown to receive service.
Stay Permit Extension
Au Visa Section applies for Non-Immigrant (Class Ed) Stay Permit Extension based on requests made by currently registered full time non-Thai students (12 credits or equivalent a semester). Those who register for less than 12 credits are considered part-time and will not be given extension of stay. Must be applied for no less than 30 days before Expiry.
Processing takes at least 3-4 hours.
Generally stay permit last 6 – 12 months.
Passports are sometimes made available temporarily during processing period. Students, who do not submit their passports on time, will be responsible for any additional fees or expenses.
Stay Permit Cancellation
Please note that extension of Stay Permit is liable to termination by the Bureau of Thailand Immigration for Students under the following categories:
Students who are irregular in attendance; or
Students who are on probation; or
Students whose academic records are unsatisfactory including frequent withdrawals.
Students who are retired or
Students who graduated.
Re-Entry Permit
Is strongly suggested for any student who needs to temporarily leave Thailand for whatever purpose. This permit is in addition to the current Stay Permit Extension and does not change the expiry date of the visa. Re-Entry permits take up to week to process. Student should return to Thailand and apply for extension at least two weeks before the Stay Permit Extension expires.
Single Entry – Baht 1,000
Multiple Entry – Baht 3,800
Visa letter
If you know that you’re going to leave Thailand and cannot return before your Stay Permit expire, please contact the AU visa ocer at least two weeks in advance, of your leaving Thailand , to obtain the certi‑ed letter to con‑rm that you are a student at AU. You can take these documents to apply for a new visa (ED only) to the Thai embassy or consulate in the country where you are staying. They’ll give you a new visa valid for 3 months. It may take them a few days so be prepared.
The Visa letters are used to apply for new visas abroad at any Royal Thai Embassy / Consulate.
Au Visa Section issues Visa Letters at the request of the students.
Au Visa Section needs at least 3 days for processing.

Complete Visa service Petition (Form.25) and the Immigration Form. Pay the additional Baht 1,900 to the Immigration Bureau on the Appointed date.
Pay Baht 200 (at the Office of Financial Manage mentor by using ePURSE payment.) 3. Submit petition forms to the Au Visa Section.
Including * Immigration Form, receipt of payment.
Passport, 2-Inch photos (not more than 6 months )
Photocopy of Registration Receipt (current/most recent semester.)
Photocopies of passport, Including Departure Card (Tm.6) and any other marked pages.
Collect the Re-entry application form from the Au Visa Section at Office of the University Registrar.
Pay Baht 200 at the Office of Financial Management.
Submit the Re-entry application form directly to the Immigration Bureau.
Pay Baht 1,000 (Single) 3,800(Multiple) at the Immigration Bureau.
CHANGE VISA (For Education)
Show the passport to the Officer of Au Visa Section.
Collect the Petition form from the Au Visa Section.
Pay Baht 200 (at the Office of Financial Management or by using ePURSE payment).
Submit petition forms to the Au Visa Section.
Including * Immigration Form, receipt of payment.
* Passport, 2-Inch photos (not more than 6 months)
* Photocopy of registration receipt(current/most recent semester) -
Au Visa Section needs 3 working days to process requests / petition.

Processing time for visa application abroad will from vary country to country and it also depends on the nationality of the applicant.
Au Visa Section strongly encourages all non-Thai students to process their visa / immigration matters through Au only.
Those that are not requiring Au visa / immigration assistance may be required to submit a letter about releasing from Au of any visa / immigration responsibility.
Some non-Thai student must to handle his or her own visa permit related matters in person.
Some cases may require social certification of good behavior or non-criminality record form home country or the diplomatic mission in Thailand.
Non-Thai students are legally not allowed to work in Thailand. If the student becomes legally employed and hold work permit, they must change their visa status accordingly with their employer and they may also be required to submit a letter releasing Au of any visa / immigration responsibility.
Assumption University is able to inform students about the laws, rule- regulations and procedures regarding their legal status here while engaged in educational pursuits.
However, total and ‑nal responsibility rests with the students and all students are encouraged to be pro-active, well informed and act accordingly. It is a privilege and the right of an individual to behave maturely, responsibly and temporarily reside and learn in a country other than his own.
As non-Thai student, you are a welcome to being a guest in the Kingdom of Thailand.
Thai authorities make it possible (or not) for you to be here. In return, it is expected that the laws and regulation of Thailand will be followed, respectively.
Information provided in this document and the services described are dependent upon the regulations issued by the Ministry of Foreign Aairs, Ministry of education and Immigration Bureau. Infringement of the rules or guidelines in any way may create to problems and inconveniences which may result of expulsion from Thailand, temporarily or permanently.
Relevant Thai authorities have the right to cancel the opportunity of study / extension of stay, including expulsion from Thailand, for various reasons.


Martin de Tours Hall, Window 10
0-2300-4543-60 Ext.3507
St. Michael’s Hall, SM 116
0-2723-2222 Ext. 2627
Monday – Friday
9.00 – 12.00 hrs. and 13.00 – 16.00 hrs.
“Au Visa Staff visit the Immigration Bureau every Tuesday & Thursday”
ChaengWattana Road Soi7, Tung Song Hong, Luksi,
Bangkok. Tel. 0-2141-9889 Fax. 0-2143-8228
Mon-Fri, 8.30-16.30

International Student Handbook