Managing Director, Carpe Diem Entertainment Thailand Co., Ltd
Topic: Differences in Tourism Around the Globe
Thursday, September 20, 2018
09:30 – 11:30 Hours
Venue: Salle D’ Expo
Mr. Tomislav Babich, born in Croatia, holds Master of Science in International Economic. Together with his partners, Carpe Diem Entertainment Thailand was founded in 2014, one of the most extraordinary and best quality hospitality groups.
Originally, Carpe Diem Europe was established more than 20 years ago in Croatia, one of the biggest Mediterranean destinations, providing whole day Entertainment Program for Hotels and Resorts all around the Europe and in Thailand e.g. Sports, Arts & Crafts. Their clients are family – oriented resorts, very popular among Thais, Expats as well as tourists from all over the world. The current company’s main partner is respectable Centara Hotels and Resorts Group as well as few other resorts.
He discussed about the history of tourism from different continents, starting from Egypt to Rome. The first leisure travel was developed after the dark middle age from the 15th to 18th Century. More wealthy nobles and educated professions expressed their social class between the 18th and 19th Century. The first mass tourism was happening in London by railway invention to bring resources to the city from 1825 to 1900. In 1841, Thomas Cook began his international travel company with a successful one – day rail excursion, one of the biggest travel agency with holiday tours and travel packages nowadays. From 1871 to 1913, the number of tourists increased about 5 times. Early of the 20th Century, it was the beginning of social rights, paid holidays, state organization of holidays and recreation, and simple, healthy & economical holidays with air travels from the foreign countries.
Later, almost everyone travels with social tourism for family and young people. Thanks to shortening working hours, people have more time to journey by cars and charter flights. The growth of infrastructure expands wide network of highways, commercial air travels, fast railway, and cruisers.
In the future, people would like to have diversification and specialization hospitality and tourism. They will enjoy amusement parks, club holidays with plenty of entertainments, camping, sports tourism, party destinations, and music festivals. The sports tourism will be the massive industry of hospitality in Europe and the United States of America, offered many package selections ranging from economical to exclusive one.
The optimistic effects of hospitality and tourism industry are economic growth, social development, and infrastructure improvement. Too many tourists in certain location may cause pollutions. Therefore, the government must balance between tourism promotion and controlled possible negative effects.
In the future, the large number of skills workers will be needed in the hospitality and tourism industry. The first specialized hospitality and tourism school must be started from high school to create a good foundation before continuing the university degree.